by ndwr | Aug 28, 2018 | Blog
Post von Crealogix
Hallo Patrick, schön, dass wir uns mal wieder sehen.
Du bist Gast-Referent bei unserem API-Economy Digital Banking Breakfast am 27.07.2017 in Zürich. Dr. Sandra Daub wird über Open API Banking – vom Traum zur Wirklichkeit sprechen und Dr. Nico Tschanz über Geschäftsmodelle der API-Economy für Banken.
Was erzählst du unseren Gästen?
Ich möchte natürlich noch nicht alles verraten – nur so viel. Ob all dem Buzzword-Hype und den digitalen Bedrohungsszenarien in den Medien sollten wir nicht vergessen, was uns als Unternehmen und Branche eigentlich ausmacht. Über API-Economy konkret werden Nico und Sandra sprechen.
Welches konkrete Thema beschäftigt dich aktuell am meisten?
Ich beschäftige mich intensiv mit der Frage, wie in etablierten Branchen wie der Finanzindustrie über Kooperation und Kollaboration Ecosysteme gezimmert werden, die kundenrelevante Innovation hervorbringen, die sich monetarisieren lässt.
Du sprichst in deinem Vortrag auch über das Silicon Valey.
Worum gehts?
In Zusammenarbeit mit CREALOGIX und Fintechrockers wollen wir einem kleinen Kreis von MachernInnen aus der Finanzindustrie eine Plattform bieten, ihre digitalen Initiativen einem konstruktiv-kritischen Reality-Check zu unterziehen. Das intensive aber abwechslungsreiche Programm beginnt in der Heimat mit einer Briefing-Session, wo erfahrene Crealogen individuell mit den TeilnehmerInnen die Schwerpunkte der Reise ausloten und quasi ‚den Schwamm anfeuchten’. Ein feuchter Schwamm saugt besser als ein trockener, wie wir aus der Physik wissen.
Nach der Rückkehr aus dem Valley verarbeiten Crealogen & Fintechrockers die Learnings gemeinsam mit den TeilnehmerInnen in Form eines wiederum individuellen Pitch-Decks mit Handlungsfeldern, damit die Fülle an Eindrücken aktiv zu den anderen Entscheidungsträgern im Unternehmen gelangt. Diese Kombination von Inspiration, Learning und actionable Insights ist in dieser komprimierten Form einzigartig.
Kontakt für dieses Programm ist Dr. Nico Tschanz.
Fintechrockers gefällt mir natürlich besonders gut.
Welche Playlist hörst du diese Woche?
Meine eigene Jogging-Playlist – sie erinnert mich (schmerzhaft) daran, dass ich mit meinen Vorsätzen auch dieses Jahr schwer im Hintertreffen liege…
Kannst du deine aktuelle Job-Bezeichnung kurz erklären?
Ich trage aktuell 3 Hüte. Am Institute for Digital Business der HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft betreue ich als Studienleiter von zwei CAS Lehrgängen u.a. Masterstudenten in den Programmen ‚Digital Leadership’ und ‚Digital Masterclass’. Da bin ich mehrere Wochen im Jahr in den digitalen Metropolen London, Berlin und San Francisco / Silicon Valley, wo ich Bootcamp-Studienreisen für Führungskräfte und digitale Talente begleite.
Bei Fintechrockers, einer Gruppe von Mit- und Vordenkern für den digitalen Wandel in der Finanzindustrie, bin ich Vorstandsmitglied. Wir haben Ziel, den nicht zwischen Lethargie und Innovationstheater pendelnden digitalen Initiativen hiesiger Institute eine Plattform zu bieten. Als rebellischer Gegenentwurf sozusagen.
Und ich teile ich mein Wissen (und die gesammelten Irrtümer) als Keynote Speaker und Senior-Berater bei Carpathia Digital Business.
Welches Zitat ist typisch für dich?
Don’t let today’s opportunities be tomorrow’s what ifs.
Dankeschön, Patrick, wir freuen uns auf deinen Vortrag.
Es sind noch ein paar wenige Plätze frei. Zur Anmeldung Digital Banking Breakfast in Zürich am 27.7.2017.
by ndwr | Feb 28, 2018 | Blog
Swiss national blockchain and cryptocurrency
Download the Exposé (EN,DE)
This exposé aims to motivate a broader dialogue in establishing a Swiss decentralized, robust, and energy-efficient blockchain infrastructure as the underlying foundation for a strong, growing Swiss digital economy. Such blockchain infrastructure, carried jointly by all Swiss cantons, will have an equivalent catalyst effect as the initial introduction of the railway system or the creation of the Gotthard tunnel during the age of industrialization. The Swiss national blockchain will enable local as well as foreign entities and all people with an interest and/or business relation with Switzerland to hold genuine Swiss cryptocurrency and/or execute transactions via legal compliant smart-contracts. The introduction of Swiss cryptocurrency “Crypto Franc”, bound to the issued fiat Swiss Franc by the Swiss National Bank (SNB), revolutionizing digital payment capabilities. The national blockchain will enable and bring the Swiss industry(s) to the international forefront of the digital age.
Benefits for Switzerland
The introduction of a national blockchain and corresponding cryptocurrency brings significant and multifaceted benefits required for a modern digital economy. Switzerland will become part of a group of leading digital nations, with blockchain and cryptocurrency bringing the Swiss market to new efficiency levels. This initiative will attract knowledge and engineering skills further strengthening the position of Switzerland as a leading innovation economy. Blockchain technology will become a game changer and a catalyst to future phase(s) of digital financial and business product innovation via stable, legal, and economical technology facilitated by smart contracts.
Suggested Set-up
The Crypto Franc will be implemented as a cryptocurrency on a hybrid blockchain. While the chain is open for all to participate there will be permissioned nodes federated via all Swiss Cantons using the consensus mechanism, which guarantees adherence to the rules and regulations defined by the Swiss regulator. The Blockchain protocol will focus on low energy usage, high throughput, security and stability. It allows deployment of smart contracts that can be used for a large variety of business and e-government purposes. In addition, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) guarantees the exchange of Swiss Francs against a Crypto Franc 1-to-1, i.e. the a Crypto Franc is pegged to the Swiss Franc.

Exhibit 1: Blockchain nodes in Switzerland for the Swiss a Crypto Franc?
The SNB is the only a node on the Blockchain which can create new a Crypto Francs or retract them from the markets, therefore having full control to the liquidity of a Crypto Franc. The protocol to sustain the Blockchain is created by a dedicated working group, comprising of a specialist team from EPFL and ETHZ. The code is open but owned and governed by the SNB, in collaboration with the dedicated developer team. FINMA will continue to safeguard required regulatory and prudential measures, e.g., on onboarding and preventing market abuse. These measures will be implemented directly by the blockchain. This hinders the execution of business violating the rules and regulations simplifying market oversight and reporting.

Exhibit 2: Governance framework for the Swiss national Blockchain and the a Crypto Franc?
A national task force (e.g., the Blockchain Task Force recently initiated by BR Schneider-Ammann and BR Maurer) with representatives from government, business and industry and technical associations will provide advisory and guidance during the deployment of the Blockchain and national cryptocurrency. Federal and cantonal political entities will continue to monitor progress and provide the required political framework and stability around the blockchain.
Summary and Outlook
As railways and electricity were the base for the age of industrialization, the Swiss, centrally governed, but federated blockchain is the foundation for the information age. It will with minimal effort accelerate the Swiss economy and bring our innovation capabilities to the forefront. The Crypto Franc and the Swiss Blockchain will serve as the enablement for a prosperous healthy financial industry with advanced governmental systems, incl. e-Government, national digital identities and distributed ledgers, helping our nation to adapt to the challenges of the digital age.

Download the Exposé (EN,DE)
by ndwr | Sep 28, 2017 | Blog
What is PSD2?
With the revised, i.e. second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) adopted in October 2015, the EU wants to make payment transactions on the Internet more convenient, cheaper and safer.
The EU wants to promote competition in the payment system and standardize the payment products by standardizing the rules for banks and payment service providers. PSD2 help to ensure transparency and fair competition and reduce the entry barriers for new payment services – all for the benefit of the customer.
The Directive requires that all Member States implement these rules as national law by 13 January 2018.
What is the expected impact?
Read full article here
Is PSD2 secure enough?
Read full article here
What does PSD2 mean for banks?
Read full article here
by ndwr | Sep 26, 2017 | Blog
Strong performance
As introduction statement I would like to only mention the performance in the last year. Those two crypto currencies dominate the crypto market capitalization among other digital currencies: Bitcoin (+515.5% in 1 year) and Ethereum (+2053.8% in 1 year). Read more…
by ndwr | Jun 9, 2017 | Wall of shame
Dear haters, we have so much more for you to be mad at. Just be patient.

Dear anonymous hater
you’re our first entry on our wall of shame – congratulations!
We did not put you here because of the content – you’ll have for sure your reasons to be upset – and we absolutely value free speech!
We put you here, because of being a coward and not daring to post with your real, i.e. digital identity…
Maybe you contact us again – we would be more than happy to have a chat…
And thank you very much for calling us “young” – that really made our day!